“Meal En Route” is a product within Uber rider app, which provides users who commute with Uber a convenient and quality meal ready for pickup at our choice restaurants along the route.
Individual project
Project Goals
Potentially increase orders of food with Uber by 30x because of much larger user base. (As the download numbers on Googleplay and App Store shows, only 3% of Uber users are using UberEATS.)
Does not impact UberEats orders.
Increase user engagement and satisfaction with Uber.
Ridesharing in the US
User Research
Order food before or during trip from restaurants along the route.
Pick up/dine in during or directly after your trip.
User Flow
Brand & Visual
Next steps
Only available for restaurants within certain range of destination, and users are allowed to set their preferences of range.
Free/express service provided, depending on how urgent the user needs the meal.