UBER Meal En Route

“Meal En Route” is a product within Uber rider app, which provides users who commute with Uber a convenient and quality meal ready for pickup at our choice restaurants along the route.

Individual project



Project Goals

  • Potentially increase orders of food with Uber by 30x because of much larger user base. (As the download numbers on Googleplay and App Store shows, only 3% of Uber users are using UberEATS.)
  • Does not impact UberEats orders.
  • Increase user engagement and satisfaction with Uber.



Ridesharing in the US



User Research



  • Order food before or during trip from restaurants along the route.
  • Pick up/dine in during or directly after your trip.

User Flow

1. Pick a restaurant
2. View menu
3. Order
4. Check order details

Brand & Visual

Next steps

  • Only available for restaurants within certain range of destination, and users are allowed to set their preferences of range.
  • Free/express service provided, depending on how urgent the user needs the meal.